Tuesday 18 June 2013

                  For Mah Bestooo....:)))                    I wanna share smethng wid ew..wich i was nt able to xplain ew so datsy m givin ew dis blog wich tells ew dat wt xactly i feel abt u...
                   *****Shravan*****i noe u feel alone as u dnt liv wid ur MOM nd u also miss ur DAD..n wenever i thnk abt dis..dnt feel gud for ew..nd i dnt wanna lose mah bestoo in mah whole lyf...so pls b wid me alwayz...i wanna keep dis frndship forever..pls nevr go frm lyf...
                  >>>>>>i nevr thought dat we were met lyk dis..n became gud frnz...even our story was very strange na..bt i thnk god wants to make us as gud frnz..<<<<<<
                 ^....^.....^...as many misundrstndings were creatd btwn us...n ew tried to break this frndshp n i also did the same many times.....bt nw i dnt want  dis 2 happen again in future...^....^....^
     U noe 1 thng dat no one is dere who cares to fulfil mah dreams nd no one even take  it serious...bt u r dat spcl 1 who show cares for me..nd who wants 2 fulfil mah dreams..thanx alot dear...
                          (((((( i wanna say thnx for bein sch a gud frnz..n wanna giv u dis teddy..which will make u feel dat ew r nt alone..m alwayz wid u...))))))

                  """"""Dear shrvuuu i want nthng..bt jst keep smilin for me.."""""""

Dnt feel lyk dis dat no 1 loves ew...::)))




i will nevr leave you baby..till u will be wd me...ur dreams are my dreams...nd  ur happiness is mine,....nw i dnt cre abt myslf mr dn u bacha..my shonaa..my guchu...really god give me a chance to make myself happie bcoz of u..nevr wanna lose u my bacha...nd nvr leave u..my princess...thnxx fr supporting me like ds...may god give u all happiness of ur life...>3